Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Godly Marriage

What is a GODLY marriage?

We’re all familiar with the scriptures,”…they shall become one flesh,” “…be fruitful and multiply. ( have sex and make money)”  and ”leave father and mother and cleave to (be really glued to) one another.” All this is well and sounds good, it’s scriptural but in REALITY, when viewed in the STARK light of day, how does that translate?

After the “big question” has been popped (on bended knees of course) and answered “affirmatively” by the “fair damsel”,  the process starts- PREPARATIONS, SALUTE and THE MARCH FORWARD INTO “Fantasyland”.

When the fabric starts to fly, “How many times do we have to try on these dresses?”  “The cobbler has 11 pairs of your shoes to dye and hasn’t achieved the right color yet!?” “Do all your pigtails have to be perfect with perfectly coordinated ribbons?” “The crystal, silver and China are very rare, retro patterns and they have to be pre-paid before ordering.”  “Oh my, golly gee. Why does this have to happen to me?”  The guy that had gone to his knees may NOW be in a complete tail spin and is wondering how he got in this position.

Welcome to Fairyland ladies and is it really “all about us?”  Most guys just shake their heads, write the checks, and often ask themselves, “Is this a real marriage I’m in…?”

Life cannot be sustained in a very healthy fashion in this “Fairyland”.  Does it really matter if the family always has to have the best, and what is “best” anyway?

After 42 years of marriage I wanted to know what being married REALLY meant.  I looked back over the things I had allowed my husband to do alone; carry the weight of every day life on his shoulders- with “me ox” most of the time not being truly yoked to “he ox”. 

 My prayer in all of this is that just maybe us ladies need to take another hard look at guidance in regards to our ”GODLY Portrait of Marriage.”

GOD has facilitated many changes in me which have also spoken volumes to my “hunk”. (Imagine that I would need to change-YES I did and Still DO).

  As my hubby and I were driving home this morning after the removal of 7 polyps from his colon, GOD put this question before me again,  “Is our marriage indeed GODLY, is it pleasing to HIM and do HE and my husband feel welcomed and at peace there?”



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